Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I guess I better get going on this more often. It's to keep everyone updated, but so far I'm falling short.

Fiona is almost walking, she's right there and it looks like only a few short weeks until she's running. Her birthday is coming up fast (February 22nd). She is so pleasant and cuddly and it's hard to not laugh when she's tormenting her brothers (they don't like to share their toys with a sister!). I've had to start telling her "no" and she acts like it just breaks her heart. It's so sad.

Ian is excited that kindermusic is starting tomorrow. He is now in the older group that go without mommy. He's ready. I've been cramping his style for much too long (he has somewhat of a crush on Miss Cami). He also is torn between the "I want to do it myself" and the "I can't, baby me!" attitudes. I'm never sure which it's going to be and it's usually the least helpful one at the moment.

Wesley just turned 4 a few weeks ago. He and Ian started primary this year and they look incredibly handsome in their suits. He is still loving school, though the thrill of the bus ride has worn off slightly. We need to find a way to post up his week in a way he'll understand, because he is constantly asking "what do I have tomorrow?", usually in the hopes that the answer is school.

I'm still working on painting and I'm loving the old salem building that I'm been doing. It looks so cool. I'm also been busy with my new calling as primary secretary, the changes that happen with the new year have been very time consuming to keep up with. Things seem to be settling in a bit now. I have lots of projects in my mind that I'd like to get out into the real world.

Austin is truly the perfect husband. He is wonderful. He's working hard at school and still lets me run away to art class or just to the store for a moment alone. He just finished parent teacher conferences and the klondike campout so things are happily less eventful for him at the moment.

I know that we've mentioned to several people that we are looking into adoption again, but we have no news on that. We'll keep everyone updated. It will be a long time before anything may happen, if at all.

As always I'm including pics (the boys in their suits will be later, there is an issue between our computer and the camera, they're on the outs), hope you enjoy them.


Cami said...

You should post some of your painting projects in progress and some of the ones you've finished. I'm totally interested.
I loved seeing your family's cute, smiling faces throughout the holiday season.
Sounds like everything is going well. I'm so happy for you all.

Melinda McBride said...

LOVE THE PICS! thanks for sending me the link to your blog. It's so cool to see how they change, overnight!!! I look forward to checking back to see what you've added.