Sunday, March 18, 2012

puppies and fairies

the nice thing about puppies, it just draws the children outdoors and the weather has been so wonderful.  The weather has even persuaded a fairy or two to visit us.  hope that spring is finding you and warming you up a bit, too.
this is ginger, she has the coolest eyes and I love that her belly is freckled.  She is very patient with the children and allows them all to tote her all over the yard.  I don't think her paws touch ground more than a few seconds when they are outside with her.

ruthie seems very smart and alert and will probably look a lot like Zero when she grows up but with a slightly different coloring.  She's not as fond of being held, but loves to run and chase.

Is winter over yet?

checking her fairy schedule...
I am CRAVING spring weather!

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