Friday, October 31, 2008

if i only had a brain

We went to see the scarecrows along Main Street this past weekend. The boys have been wanting to go for a while now, especially to see the Jack Skelington scarecrow. It was very well made and they really wanted to get a picture of it. When we finally got a chance to go, Jack was gone. There were many other amazing scarecrows, the Edward Scissorhands and Black Knight from Monty Python were some definite favorites. Fortunately, the had the scarecrow from Halloween Town, so the boys weren't too disappointed. Next time I'll have to make sure I get there earlier.


The Copes said...

Is that in Spanish Fork? What a great idea!--Hey where are your pics with the costumes?
ps. thanks so much for Ollie's present. You are right up his alley with the tractor puzzle.

The Copes said...

Hey, the comment I just posted didn't work, so --to recap, thanks for the tractor puzzle. It was a big hit, as you probably imagined it would be.---And, lets see some Halloween cosutume photos. You guys always look so great, where are they?