our halloween was wonderful. we had a great time hosting a party that filled our home with fabulous people and energetic kids. we loaded up on candy and scared the kiddies at our ward's trunk or treat (i feel trunk or treats are the way to go). and we were able to visit grandma davis (i LOVE her caramal popcorn balls), grandma johna (she knows my weakness for caramel apples) and grandpa and grandma denie (the kids each got their own special box of capt'n crunch, yummy). austin's costume by far outshown the rest and amazed all our friends. he went as darth maul, full makeup and all.
it was a great costume! he even wore it to school when they had parent teacher conference (our district did some crazy scheduling this year) and i think it helped the parents realize that they shouldn't mess with this guy;) i hurriedly threw together a spider web costume (which may make many of you snicker if you read my previous post; it was really fun, easy and i got a lot of positive reviews from it. wesley this year wanted to be a ghastly drooling graveyard ghoul (it's from the book 'by the light of the halloween moon' which we have been reading to our children for years each october). he carried around some bones (made from tinfoil and masking tape), smeared dirt on his face and had a shovel, he was in heaven.
Austin's costume is awesome! How creative... and patient to paint his face. Ty would have LOVED to see him since Ty was Darth Vader this year! Is Austin for rent for a birthday party???? :)
Your costumes are fantastic!!! HAHAHAAA I knew Austin had it in him HAHAAA Your blog is so much fun, I'm glad I found it!
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