Wednesday, December 2, 2009

are you a helicopter parent?

That's a hard question, I've found. I didn't think I was, but if you ask others they may tell you different. I laughed as I read about the safety devices that some were coming up with to prevent anything from happening. I thought of the promise Marlin makes to Nemo that he'll never let anything happen to him and Dori helps him to see that promise in another light. But I am guilty of trying to prevent my children from making mistakes that will ultimately be good in helping them learn (obviously small non-life threatening ones of course). It's a hard line to draw for yourself and it's good to sit down and evaluate where you and your children are from time to time. I am far from a perfect parent as my interaction with my children constantly remind me (raising children is a very humbling experience); but I would recommend that you take the time to read this article and then evaluate where you are. We can make each day better than the one before

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I got to read some of the studies the article stated in my family soc. class. Crazy stuff.
We live in the heart of the helicopter parenting domain. The phrase they use here for slow-parenting is "relaxed parenting."
One woman in our ward is the most extreme helicopter parent I've ever seen. Unfortunately none of the kids will play with him in nursery because he's a) a huge baby and b) doesn't know how to play.
Thanks for the article. I love these kinds of things!