Thursday, September 23, 2010

september is my least fav month in my favorite part of the year

well, that about sums up this month. it's been somewhat of a nightmare at times, but we are making it through and there have been some great moments to enjoy as well.
this past monday was an especially trying afternoon. i ended up in tears and crying on austin's shoulder when he came home. then, out of no where i see this.....

it gave us both a good chuckle.

here are some other things that have helped to have a smile through the trials...
the boys found a caterpillar hanging on our back door, we put it in a jar and the next day is had spun a chrysalis.  10 days later we got a great surprise!  (i was worried, i thought the little guy wasn't going to make it, because of all the trauma of being manhandled and stuffed in a jar)

the north park in spanish fork finally opened and they have installed a splash pad.  it is awesome and the weather was nice enough to let us enjoy it a couple of times.  (the boys were here too, but the camera batteries died before i could get their pics)
one day when i was doing laundry i found this strange creature in my dryer...
i think she's been helping keep the towels nice and fluffy.  when the other children saw these pics they asked if they could get in the dryer too.  maybe tomorrow we'll have some dryer pics of everyone.

this month has also taught me much.  i'm learning that these small joys are truly miracles and heavenly father's way of letting us know that he loves us and he's aware of us.  i feel so loved this month, no matter how bad it's gotten.  and thanks for all the prayers and fasting for lyds.  she seems to be doing so much better and i thought i should  let you all know.  we'll know more specifically in november and keep you posted.  we really appreciate your faith and love.

1 comment:

Weird but Happy said...

These pictures made me laugh, thank you! I think kids always seem to know just when you need their silliness the most. I hope things get better for you rapidly. I loe you , Kelly!