Wednesday, April 27, 2011

our dog, named scooter

I'd really like to change his name.  Maybe something like burt, or barsky, even dervish have crossed my mind, but it's too late now.  we're stuck with scooter.  I hate yelling that name when he's taken off down the street, most of the time I just let him run and wait for him to come back in his own good time (which is usually about 5 minutes, he's not much for adventure).
We've had him since January and he's really been fun.  He has a great tasmanian devil trick that we make him do for entertaining company (it's probably his only trick.)  The kids adore him, zero not so much but they get along.  He loves to lounge and I got a great shot of him and Ian watching cartoons together.  We think he's going to fit in well around here.

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