Sunday, October 2, 2011

a lot to catch up on

this month consisted of:
labor day fun
the boys went with Austin for a four wheeler ride up to the tower, while me and the girls went to the onion days parade in payson
a preschool field trip to the spanish fork airport

a birthday party

a surprise visit from some old and dear friends

playing with cousins

lots of canning.  I've done pears, peaches, salsa and beans.  good stuff.
The middle of this month also brought the passing of my grandfather a month before his 93rd birthday.  his funeral was beautiful and full of great family memories as aunts, uncles, and cousins all gathered to celebrate his legacy and the way he touched our lives.
now that October is here the mountains have suddenly become adorned in red and yellow.  it really seems to have happened overnight.  one day it was just a few lone trees here and there, now they've all joined in the pageantry.  cold nights are wonderful and the kids are outside more than in. it's a beautiful time of year.
now we have general conference.  hope that you are taking time to enjoy it, too. 

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