Sunday, September 4, 2011

goodbye summer

Fall is coming fast. The night and mornings are chilly, the boys are wearing a jacket to the bus stop now. It feels so wonderful, fall is definitely my favorite time of year. We are starting to look forward to Halloween already. The girls both have their costumes already. Mom found them at a yard sale and the girls are thrilled. Fiona is going to be a unicorn and Lydia will be a ladybug. The boys are still trying to decide what to be. Wesley has said Captain America or a vampire. Ian has too many ideas to list. This year I’m going to try to be little red riding hood. I think that would be really fun and easy to put together.

We are starting to settle into our routine and this past week wasn’t nearly as hectic as the one before.
Fiona has moved up to the older vaulting class now. Her coach said she was doing so well that she was ready to be with the older girls. She will be 5 in February and the girls in her new class are mostly 5 and 6 year olds, so she is the youngest. But she had a great time with them and made many new friends. She has a showcase (sort of like a recital) coming up in October and I’m so excited to see her perform.

Lydia was able to start kindermusic this past Wednesday. She loves it and she’s such a good little singer. She and Fiona sing all the time around the house, they take after their daddy. His family is always singing and whistling, I love it. Starting kindermusic has really made her feel better about her sister leaving for preschool, she really misses Fiona.

Friday Austin and I went to the Timpanogos Story Telling Festival. We only attended one of the events. It was so much fun. The story tellers are amazing, they are truly artists. Austin would like to one day participate; I think he would do an amazing job. Ian is really good at telling stories as well. They have school-based storytelling festivals across the state and it would be fun to have him compete in one when he gets a little older. Next year I think we’ll take the kids to the festival as well, we found out that they have a session specifically for little ones and they would really enjoy it.

Yesterday I went to Swiss Days with Mom, Katie and Cheide (my nephew). I look forward to going every year. They have so many booths, hundreds, filled with crafts, paintings, gifts, art, and clothing. I get so many great ideas. This year I took a paper and pen so I could write it all down. There are so many that I often forget them before we even get home. Now I just have to find time to get all my projects done. I’ve bought more yarn to make a beautiful cardigan that I bought the pattern for last year. So I know I won’t be getting bored for lack of things to do any time soon.

Today in church they had a lesson on faith and charity. I’ve been thinking a lot about being a mother. I want the best for these children and I have so much to learn. But the lessons helped me realize that I can lead with patience and kindness. I don’t have to let them run all over me and I don’t have to be brutal in disciplining. There is a fine balance with love and example. I’ve been trying hard to not raise my voice and make sure that what I say is encouraging and kind even if I have to correct them. It is hard some days. And I hate hearing those mean things that I have said carelessly to them coming out of their sweet mouths as they repeat them to their brothers or sisters. That’s a slap to wake me up for sure. And I know I haven’t ever said anything horrible, but I could definitely do a lot better. I just always pray they know how much I love them.


ShayLynn said...

Love hearing about what is going on with you guys. Too bad we missed you at Swiss Days - my parents came up and we were there on Saturday as well. I thought it was one of the best years with amazing ideas! Wish I had more ambition to tackle them all! ;/

Melanie said...

I can't believe you would ever raise your voice to your kids. Your too nice!