Sunday, February 12, 2012

it's a zoo around here

so last night we had one of those moments when we were trying to get the kids up and moving, outside or anywhere just to get them away from the tv and video games. it was really windy outside and the kids did not want to go out to play (can't say I blame them, I think wind is the worst kind of weather). I tried bribing them out the door, but Lydia gave her treat back and asked to be let back in the house with big tears in her eyes. I just couldn't say no to that and I dare anyone else to try it either. They were whining and moaning when an idea finally hit. I told them to go make a zoo with all their animals and I would come visit and take pictures. It worked out great. They all worked together to sort the animals and find the best habitat for all of them. Wesley even decided on getting tickets for everyone so they could be admitted into the zoo. I just had to watch out for the tiger hiding behind the couch, they forgot to put him in his cage and he was hungry.
the bear cave (though I think a dog got thrown in there as well)

the giraffe enclosure, they were tired from a day of eating acacia leaves.  oh no!  there's the tiger, better move to a different area of the zoo.

the horse arena

Fiona said this was the 'white' group.  It's a pretty interesting group: sheep, cats, even a snow tiger cub.  Maybe that's why the tiger is on the loose, she's looking for her cub.

Here's the cows.  Yeah, our zoo doesn't just cater to the exotic.

the monkey house.  the big monkey on the left was separated from the little monkeys on the right.  i think he was a trouble maker.  this also seems to be a good spot for my monkey, Lydia.

the fantasy creature paddock, we have two dragons and a cyclops.  not every zoo has such bragging rights.
this was my favorite part, the babies.  I guess I say that our house is a zoo enough that this group just made sense to my own little ones.

1 comment:

Weird but Happy said...

Okay, first, that was so sad about little Lydia. Second, what a great idea! I am totally stealing it. You are so clever.